Tips and ideas to help get your linen closet looking and functioning its best:
- Claim a space. Whether it's a single shelf or an entire closet, decide where the best home for your linens is and move out anything that doesn't belong.
- Get rid of all the linens that you no longer use and you're keeping just because. Maybe it's a pillowcase that long lost it's mate. Sheets that have yellowed. Towels with stains. A tablecloth that no longer works with your decor. You get the point.
- Sort by type and room: master bedroom sheets, guest bedroom sheets, heavyweight blankets, lightweight blankets, everyday towels, guest towels, tablecloths, etc.
- Give the shelves/drawers a good cleaning. Bonus points if you line them or give 'em a fresh coat of paint.
- When it's time to put everything back, arrange by frequency of use. Often used linens should go in the easiest to reach spot, while those that are seasonal or occasionally used, can go in spot that's less convenient to access.
- Use shelf dividers (or inexpensive bookends like these!) to keep stacks from toppling over onto each other.
- Keep sets together and make them easy to pull out from the bunch by tucking the pieces inside one of its pillowcases.
- ...or by tying them with a pretty ribbon (a nice option for less frequently used sets).
- Keep miscellaneous items that don't fold neatly, in a beautiful box or basket.
- Use zippered bags or fabric covered boxes for seasonal comforters, blankets, and/or delicate linens to prevent them from getting dusty.
- Make things easy to identify. Label shelf edges using adhesive labels or card holders.