Beautifully Organized: Bracelets

When it comes to organizing bracelets,  a good option for those who like to have things put away out-of-sight, is to dedicate a portion of a drawer to them and use organizers to keep things separated and neat. Clear ones always look nice. Remember to measure before buying!

For those who are more visually oriented (right-brained!) and prefer to have things out, trays are great for corralling pieces and keeping surfaces from looking like a cluttered mess.


Another option is to hang them on a jewelry tree, which makes for a lovely display.

Last but not least, a fun idea is to keep them in pretty vintage cups. Look for ones with a wide enough mouth to fit the width of your pieces.


Hope this post inspired some ideas for your own home!

image credits: 1 & 3 - photography by isa salazar via lonny mag blog, 2- photography by emily johnston anderson via glitter guide, 4- photography by douglas friedman via c magazine, 5-6 glitter guide