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Outdoor Living

Yesterday we took advantage of the beautiful sunny weather and had a backyard bbq to celebrate two things: my dad's birthday, and my sister's (and her now officially husband!) court marriage (the big wedding is next Saturday).
We had so much yummy food - shrimp, chicken, grilled veggies and corn, pasta salad, frijoles, carne asada, pico de gallo... not to mention dessert! I took a stab at making a rainbow cake. Check out my twitter page to take look at how it turned out!
Looking forward to many more summer days spent outside :)
Have a wonderful weekend!
image credits: 1 & 2 - Chris Barrett featured in House Beautiful

Happy Friday!

Tomorrow is my little sister's bridal shower. She gets married in 3 weeks! I can't believe the big day is so quickly approaching! We are all very excited and prepping all the decor and other little details for the ceremony and reception, as well as finalizing decisions on wedding hairstyles, makeup, accessories, etc. Needless to say, it's bridal central over here.
Have a great weekend! See ya next week!

P.S. Check out this cool blog featuring pictures of a picture from the past in the present. A photograph like that could make a cool Father's Day gift :)
image credit: photgraphy by jamie beck for a cup of jo