guest bloggers

How Lauren Organizes Her Necklaces

Today I'm excited to share a new guest series which will feature a peek at how others organize their belongings and various little spaces in their homes!
Kicking off the series is the lovely Lauren of the food blog A Full Measure of Happiness. She gives us a look at how she beautifully organizes her necklaces:
laurenzietsmann-necklacesI had that terrible situation where you have too many necklaces in a box, and they start to become one giant knot of beads and string that threatens to  break every time you have to detangle it. So I thought of a magical idea involving a towel rod and shower curtain rings. Not only does it keep my necklaces organized and safe, but they area all on display so I never forget about anything that I have and can easily choose the best look for any outfit just by giving the bar a quick glance. I use it every day and I know my Mom had my Dad set one up for her too.

5 Things That Made a Difference to Reichel

This week I'm delighted to feature the lovely Reichel of Copy Cat Chic in the series 5 Things That Made a Difference. Reichel is a multi talented designer who shares with her readers, tons of great bargain finds every week. She takes high end home decor pieces and hunts down strikingly similar versions that are a fraction of the cost. Her blog is so awesome, it's been recognized by magazines such as Cosmo, Style at Home, Real Simple and Better Homes and Gardens. If you're on a budget, her blog is a must-follow.
Read on to find out what five things have positively influenced Reichel's life:
1. Horses - My love of horses started when I was 3yrs old and my Mom rented a pony for my birthday. I still remember my very first pony ride! My love of horses has been one of the constants in my life. I'll always love horses and riding has been a great way to keep myself grounded. Being at the barn is relaxing and healing. I can always count on a good ride to help clear my head and get rid of stress. And now my love of all things equestrian has carried over into my love of home design. I try to not get too carried away for my husband's sake ;) I'm looking forward to picking up riding again soon, and I have high hopes of Arden enjoying horses too(when she's a little older)!
2. Martha Stewart - Martha has served as such an inspiration to so many and I definitely am one of them. I remember recording her show every single morning. And those were the days of tapes and VCRs...such a hassle, but so worth it! She was such a pioneer and I wanted to be just like her. Imagine creating a career out of making your life beautiful, what a concept!
3. Online Friends - I owe much to my online friends and colleagues. The support and camaraderie I've had over the years has been awe-inspiring. I originally started my blog to share my finds with my internet friends and now people all over the world subscribe to it. I feel so lucky to have so many great & generous internet friends, I wouldn't have my blog with out them!
4. Pottery Barn - My job working on the Pottery Barn catalog taught me so much, I'll always be thankful of my time there. When I was laid off (2 years ago) I was at a loss of what I wanted from a job and career. I knew that working for "the man" was just not going to cut it anymore. I was tired of working 9-6 in an office where seeing the light of day was a rare thing. I was burnt out, but also a slave to the bills. I would have never had the courage to leave and branch out on my own. So I owe it to PB for kicking my butt in gear and forcing me to have the courage to try something new.
5. My Husband - Lastly (and the most important of all), my amazing husband. He has been so extremely supportive of my blog, even back in the days where it wasn't exactly lucrative ;) He has always been there to lift me when I was down or to give me a lil' push when I was flailing. He has believed in me and the blog from day one and has always encouraged me to take it one step further, even before I lost my job at PB. He's never once failed to give me the freedom I need to take the blog in the direction it needs to go. I couldn't ask for a better husband and partner.